Delta: Mob Storms Court, Set Prisoners In Police Custody Free

A mob has overpowered some police officers at a Magistrate Court 1 in Ogwashi-Uku, Aniocha South LGA, Delta State and freed some suspects.

The incident which led to a man hunt by the police has created unrest in the Ogwashi-Uku village.

Informants told The Nation that trouble began when three suspects in the neighborhood named as Elue Nwaolise, Azuka Obata, Ifechukwude Ikewenji, and Osim Okelue were arrested for allegedly attacking vigilance members at Ogwashi-Uku.

The suspects were taken to court by SCID officers and were later granted bail but could not meet the conditions of the bail.

It was gathered that the court officials moved to take the suspects into prison custody pending the perfection of documentation and verification of the sureties.

This action made the mob to attack the two police officers and free the suspects who were in handcuffs.

It was also gathered that the mob assaulted the police officers, tearing their uniforms to shreds.

Delta Police Command spokesman, DSP Bright Edafe, confirmed the incident.

He said efforts were on to re-arrest the fleeing suspects and their collaborators

Woman Starved By Husband Rescued In Yobe

An aged woman, identified as Sadiya, has been rescued from an excruciating condition after her husband detained her in the house for one year without food in Nguru town, Yobe State.

Naija News gathered that the victim, who hails from Kano State with four children was rescued last week from the impoverished condition by her biological mother, Hadiza.

A source who spoke with DAILY POST revealed that the mother of the victim travelled to see her daughter when she felt uncomfortable with her voice during a phone conversation.

Sadly, Hadiza met her daughter in a near-death situation as she could not walk due to hunger and other ailments.

The husband of the victim is identified as Ibrahim Yunusa Bature and is said to be the cousin of the former Director-General of NEMA, Mustapha Yusuf Maihaja, and Nigeria’s Ambassador to Kenya, Yusuf Yunusa.

The source said: “The victim’s mother revealed that she travelled to Nguru from Kano to see her daughter when she felt uncomfortable with her voice on phone, but only to meet her in a near-death situation as cannot even walk due to hunger and other ailments.

“The woman was starved by her husband who alleged that his family members are trying to harm her if she eats food.

He only provides kunu (a local drink) to her whenever she demands for food and has prevented people from gaining access to her room”. 

Sadiya was reportedly rushed to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Kano, where she is currently receiving treatment with her mother demanding justice and also calling on the Yobe State Governor, Mai Mala Buni to intervene.

This article was originally published on Naija News

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