Afenifere Debunks Rumours Of Leader Pa Ayo Adebanjo’s Death

The leader of the pan-Yoruba socio-cultural group, Afenifere, Pa Ayo Adebanjo, has been confirmed to be alive.

Naija News gathered that on Sunday morning, rumours were circulating about the leader’s demise.

However, the organization’s national secretary, Sola Ebisieni, debunked the news of the leader’s death in a telephone interview with the Daily Post.

Ebisieni confirmed that the leader is in good health, mentioning that they were together just last night.

He clarified that Pa Adebanjo was mistaken for the former VC of the University of Ibadan, Ayo Banjo, who passed away on Friday.

His words, “That is not correct, Pa Ayo Adebanjo, our leader is alive; he is hale and hearty. He has even directed me this morning to issue a statement to that effect. I was with him last night in a meeting with other Yoruba leaders.

“There is a mistaken identity; there was an announcement on the vice-chancellor from the University of Ibadan, Ayo Banjo, who died.”

Meanwhile, President Bola Tinubu congratulated elder statesman Chief Edwin Clark as he celebrated his 97th birthday anniversary.

President Tinubu, through his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Ajuri Ngelale, issued a statement joining family, friends, and well-wishers in celebrating Chief Clark’s contributions to Nigeria’s political evolution.

He commended the elder statesman for his guidance to various administrations and his role as a catalyst for critical discourses and causes aimed at advancing national development.

The statement read, “President Bola Tinubu congratulates elder statesman, Chief Edwin Clark, on the special occasion of his 97th birthday. 

“President Tinubu joins family, friends, and well-wishers to celebrate an inimitable figure in Nigeria’s political evolution. 

“The President salutes Chief Clark for his contributions to the nation in many capacities, especially as a guide to various administrations and as a catalyst for critical discourses and causes in furtherance of national development. 

“As the elder statesman marks his birthday, the President wishes him many more years in good health.”

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