Uncovering the Truth Through Data-Driven Journalism: Impacts of Dubawa across Africa in 2022

By Adeyemi Adekunle

Dubawa is a data-driven journalism initiative that obtains its lawful and functional powers through its parent non-profit organization, the Centre for Journalism Innovation and Development (CJID) headquartered in Nigeria founded in 2014, to foster a completely independent media landscape that advances fundamental human rights, good governance and accountability in West Africa through investigative journalism, open data and civic technology. The team of journalists at Dubawa uses data to uncover the truth behind events and issues and to provide a more accurate representation of Africa to the rest of the world.

Dubawa has had a massive impact on the field of data-driven journalism. It has helped to raise awareness of important issues such as corruption and human rights abuses and has provided a voice for African journalists who are often overlooked by the mainstream media.

Dubawa is changing the way that the world views Africa, and is helping to shape the future of data-driven journalism in the process.


Dubawa as the word implies in Hausa language “to check” is a data-driven journalism initiative that is changing the way journalists in Africa collect and report the news. By analyzing data from government agencies, international organizations, and private companies, Dubawa journalists provide in-depth analysis of news events.

Dubawa has already had a significant impact on the way journalists in Africa report the news. Its data-driven investigations have led to the resignation of government officials, the exposure of corruption, and the release of prisoners who were wrongfully accused.

The Need for Data-Driven Journalism in Africa

Dubawa has had a significant impact on data-driven journalism in Africa.

A data-driven journalism initiative, poised with the goals of helping journalists use data to uncover the truth and hold governments accountable.

Dubawa has trained over 1000 journalists in Africa in the use of data-driven journalism. It has also created the first-ever African data portal, which contains over 2,000 datasets from 38 countries. This portal allows journalists to access and analyze data for their stories.

Dubawa has been instrumental in shaping the future of data-driven journalism in Africa and has had a significant impact on the way news is reported in the region.

How Dubawa Has Revolutionized Investigative Journalism

Dubawa has redefined investigative journalism in Africa by shedding light on issues that have long been ignored.

Since its inception, Dubawa has exposed corruption, human rights abuses, and other wrongdoing. Its reporters have risked their lives to bring these stories to light, and as a result, they have made a real impact on the continent.

Dubawa has also pioneered the use of data-driven journalism, which uses data to tell a story. This approach has allowed it to uncover stories that would otherwise be hidden from view.

As a result of all these factors, Dubawa is shaping the future of data-driven journalism in Africa and beyond.

Dubawa’s Impacts on African Journalism?

Dubawa has had a major impact on the practice of data-driven journalism in Africa. By providing journalists with the tools and resources to access reliable information in real-time, they have been able to tell their stories more effectively and efficiently, while producing insightful content that holds the powerful accountable. This has enabled African journalists to become more effective storytellers and better equipped to bring transparency and accountability to the public discourse. Through Dubawa’s efforts, data-driven journalism is becoming an increasingly valuable tool for African journalists to uncover and spread the truth.

Lessons Learned From Dubawa’s Success

Dubawa serves as a great example of how data-driven journalism can be used in a positive way to uncover truths and shed light on important stories. They have created an environment where journalists can access reliable and accurate information to create reports that inform the public and make a meaningful impact on society.

With the right tools, training, and collaboration, any organization or individual can follow in Dubawa’s footsteps and make a real difference in their communities. They have shown us that it’s possible to empower citizens with fact-based information while also protecting them from falsehoods and sensationalism.

The Future of Data-Driven Journalism in Africa

Through Dubawa, African journalists are now able to access cutting-edge information as well as the tools to use that data ethically and effectively. Dubawa also provides resources and support for newsrooms, helping them to shape up-to-date policies and guidelines for the use of data in their news stories.

With it’s presence in Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and The Gambia. The impact Dubawa is making in Africa is clear—not only is it creating a more informed public discourse, but it is also helping African media organizations stay agile and relevant in the face of technological changes. By equipping journalists with key skills such as data analysis, coding, and statistical analysis, it is giving them the confidence to break bigger stories by uncovering the truth through accurate data.

Dubawa has been a game changer for data-driven journalism in Africa. The initiative has not only helped journalists uncover the truth, but it has also empowered them to hold leaders accountable. With its innovative platform, Dubawa is helping to shape the future of investigative journalism in Africa.

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