Methodist Church Nigeria To Establish Radio, TV Stations

The Methodist Church of Nigeria has announced its plan to establish a radio and television station to disseminate the gospel.

The development was made public on Thursday by the new Prelate of the Church, Dr Oliver Aba, Naija News understands.

In his speech shortly after his investiture as prelate, Aba said it became necessary for the church to have a broadcast station to take advantage of the media in airing its activities to the Christian body.

On his part, the outgoing prelate, Dr Samuel Kalu, advised Aba to inculcate a bold attitude, adding that he must always speak out in the face of coercion or oppression.

The cleric also urged Aba to defend his flock, saying that the “inability of Christian leaders to defend their people is one of the reasons for the attack on the Christian body.”

List Of Aggrieved Northern APC Christian Leaders Opposed To Peter Obi’s Candidacy 

The presidential bid of the candidate of the Labour Party (LP), Peter Obi, suffered a snag on Thursday night following the opposition by some prominent members of the aggrieved Northern All Progressives Congress (APC) Christians.

Naija News reported that the Northern APC Christians had, in a statement on Thursday signed by the leader of the group and former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Babachir Lawal, endorsed Obi for Presidency.

Lawal said the group decided to support Obi and his running mate, Datti Baba-Ahmed, after a painstaking review and analysis of the alternative tickets.

The group has charged its members and supporters to support Obi/Datti presidential ticket for the 2023 election and described the APC’s Muslim-Muslim ticket as satanic.

In another statement on Thursday night, eight group members distanced themselves and the group from endorsing the LP Presidential candidate.

In the statement titled, ‘RE: Dogara, Babachir Lawal-led Northern APC Members Dump Tinubu, Declare Support For Peter Obi’, the eight members said the earlier information was Babachir’s personal opinion and did not represent the stance of the group.

According to the eight members, the group had already taken a position after all due diligence and had agreed to reveal the position at a particular time and occasion.

Below is the list of the eight members opposed to Peter Obi’s candidacy.

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Yakubu Dogara

Former Deputy Governor of Kogi State, Simon Acbuba

Hon. Albert Atiwurcha

Prof Doknan Sheni

Mela A. Nunge (SAN)

Gen Ishaya Bauka (rtd)

Prof Ibrahim Haruna

Mrs. Leah Olusiyi.

This article was originally published on Naija News

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