Kano Emir: NBA Voices Concern Over Power Tussle, Speaks On What Is Legally Right Amid Tension

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Kano Branch has voiced its concerns regarding the ongoing political and legal battle following the recent repeal of the Kano Emirate Council Law of 2019.

Naija News reports that in a statement issued by its chairman, Sagir Gezawa, on Saturday, the association stressed the importance of adhering to legal and constitutional processes in the handling of the emirate’s dissolution and subsequent events.

The NBA pointed out that the legislative and executive arms of the state government have acted within their constitutional powers—the State House of Assembly to legislate, and the Governor to assent to legislation.

“Once the governor assents, it becomes law and must be implemented by state apparatus and enforced by a competent court,” Gezawa emphasized.

However, the NBA sharply criticized the deployment of military forces to enforce these legal decisions, describing it as a “sad reminder of military dictatorship.”

Gezawa clarified that the enforcement of court orders should strictly be the purview of civil authorities, as outlined in the Sheriff and Civil Processes Act, not the military.

The legal body detailed the proper procedures for enforcing court orders, which include notifying the individual with Form 48 and escalating to Form 49 if non-compliance persists.

These steps ensure due process and legal fairness, fundamental to maintaining the rule of law.

Gezawa’s statement also included a plea to all state actors to respect their oaths of office and operate within the bounds of their official duties to prevent undermining the judiciary.

He expressed concern that overstepping these bounds could jeopardize the peace and security of Kano State.

The statement comes amid heightened tensions following the state government’s decision to dethrone Aminu Ado Bayero, the 15th Emir of Kano.

The former emir and other deposed emirs were given 48 hours to vacate their palaces following the repeal of the law that structured the emirate.

The post Kano Emir: NBA Voices Concern Over Power Tussle, Speaks On What Is Legally Right Amid Tension appeared first on Naija News.

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