I Can’t Retire To National Assembly Because I Can’t Function There – El-Rufai Opens Up

I Can’t Retire To National Assembly Because I Can’t Function There – El-Rufai Opens Up

The Kaduna State Governor,  Nasir El-Rufai has come out clean to state that he can never retire to the National Assembly after the end of his tenure as governor in 2023.

Naija News reports that El-Rufai on Monday said he doesn’t intend to retire to the legislature as most of his colleagues do because he can’t function there.

The governor made this revelation while he spoke as the Chairman of the distinguished parliamentarians lecture series of the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies in Abuja.

He said he doesn’t have the patience to be a legislator, noting that it required hard work of lobbying colleagues for bills and motions.

According to him, it is difficult to manage in the legislature because everyone is equal, unlike in the executive where one is required to manage only their subordinates, hire and fire at will.

The governor noted that “I can never function in the legislature. The hard work required to lobby your colleagues for bills and motions to be passed is what some of us do not have and cannot stomach.

“In the Legislature, all are equal and it is difficult to manage equals. In the Executive, it is easy, because it is easy to manage your subordinates. I can hire and fire, but that is not the same with the legislature.

“I can never retire to the legislature because I cannot function there.”

This article was originally published on Naija News

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